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General information about this site

It is intended that this site will be quick and easy to use, on a wide variety of hardware and browsers, some of which may not be to the latest specs. We have therefore avoided using Flash animations, Java, frames, and many other features that would slow down using the site or make it display incorrectly on older browsers, though some of these features may be added in future if there is sufficient demand.

We also want to make the site as usable as possible by people with disabilities - if you have trouble using the site, and/or have any suggestions on how we can improve it's accessibilty, please get in touch.

The general idea is that the site will become a valuable resource for those involved in the contemporary music / performance & visual arts scenes, particularly, but not exclusively, based in Wales. We also intend it to become a popular portal to access a wide variety of areas of interest on the web (see the extensive 'Links' section).

Information on Wales-based subjects are under the appropriate categories on the right-hand navigation bar; many of these subjects are repeated in the 'Links' section, but these are links to non-Wales-based sites. Check your interests in both sections!

We can create simple pages on our site (from £50 for a simple page - currently with no hosting fee) for anyone who would like to be on it, as long as what you do is relevant - see Sue Purcell and Panic Puppets for examples of pages we have created for people. We will also link to your own site if you have one, on condition that a reciprocal link is put on your site.

We welcome details of your gigs / events / exhibitions / etc. to be included in the 'What's On' section. Send us anything of interest (pictures, cartoons, reviews, articles, etc.) for consideration for inclusion on the site - much of it's growth and development will be determined by your interests.

All development on this site is currently being done on a voluntary basis, by a small team of one, so the rate of development may be slow - but hopefully continual improvements and features will keep you interested and coming back.

Please send us any comments, preferably by e-mail (click 'Contact Us' button on the right of the Home Page); it would be helpful if you could include details of what hardware (PC or Mac) and browser(s)/version no(s). you use.


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